Hello all, I just got an image uploaded. I know for some no biggie but I am learning this as I go and computers are not natural to me. My kids well, it's in their DNA but I am old as dirt and definitely before computers!!! Anyway here we are the last week of 2009 to do some simple menu planning. I want to remember to link back to http://www.orgjunkie.com/ for more meal plans also http://www.cafemom.com/ in Crock Pot Moms, mommythree0508 has a great week (week 126) of meals planned and in Frugal and Thrifty moms, TonyaLea never fails with her choices.
As for me and mine here is what I have planned as of now and as usual I will update daily what we actually did eat. This is because I reserve the right to alter or change my planned menu for any reason at any time. However, with this being the last week of the month (payday on Thursday) most items will be consumed as planned since choices are a bit more limited.
Mon:: spagheti, peas and garlic toast had soup and popcorn since we had a later hearty lunch and McD treat at 5
Tue:: chicken enchilada casserole another late hearty lunch so had ham and eggs with toast and fruit
Wed:: chili dogs and fries or pizza chicken taco soup in CP-already together in CP in refer
Thu:: Fast food and party faire late night as planned also having extra kids??
Fri:: depends on what is on sale at the grocery tonight pizza??
Sat::soup and sammys, or?? same as friday or LO's
Sun::CP pot roast, veggies and potatoes expect as planned
Also, anybody have any insight onto Super Cook?? I want to be able to use it but am finding some limitations because I do keep a fairly complete pantry and freezer. If you read this, GREAT, please follow me and/or comment so I know I'm not alone out here in the great big blogosphere Thanks.....Julie
PS::looks like I am having challenges linking this with MPM I'll keep trying until I get it done...J
PSS:: I got it done and you guy are coming by, please feel free to leave a comment.....J