Hi friends,
Hubs just picked one of these up at the local thrift store for $2.50. It of course did not come with any instructions so I am wondering if anybody else has this or something similar and what and how do you prepare in it.
I am kinda thinking to treat it a bit like the GT Express and not only making omlets but cooking breakfast rolls and pancake type items also. Any ideas would be helpful, Thanks.....Julie
It makes life easier when you want omelet's but you are lazy - Kitchen Gourmet Omelet Maker - Viewpoints
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Menu estrangement
My menu this week has been a bust. We have had some different events happen on different days so everything has changed. I am glad however that I still did create a menu and now when I go shopping Saturday I will not have to get as many meals since I didn't follow the menu and have several items still available.
Payday is this week so I have to make sure we do not spend all our "disposable" (ha ha ha) income on fast food except for what I already have planned on Saturday when we are gone shopping for the afternoon.
Mon:: spaghetti, corn
In & Out burgers,fries and shakes YUM!!
Tue:: chicken taco soup, cheesy tortilla crisps
Hot dog sammys, potato chips and apple slices
Ended up needing dinner in under 10 minutes so
hot dogs and chips it was LOL
Wed:: LO's, FFYS, clean out the freezer of ???
Chicken taco soup and cheesy tortilla crisps
Thu:: out to dinner-family event
Event cancelled so IDK yet maybe LO buffet??
Fri:: out to dinner with friends
Don't have $$ for this event so pizza??
Sat:: shopping so probably fast food
this should stay the same
Sun:: depends on what I got at the store
More likely CP Chx noodle soup
I participate in MPM over at OrgJunkie and this post is #389. Link over and see what hundreds of other women are feeding their families this week
Payday is this week so I have to make sure we do not spend all our "disposable" (ha ha ha) income on fast food except for what I already have planned on Saturday when we are gone shopping for the afternoon.
Mon:: spaghetti, corn
In & Out burgers,fries and shakes YUM!!
Tue:: chicken taco soup, cheesy tortilla crisps
Hot dog sammys, potato chips and apple slices
Ended up needing dinner in under 10 minutes so
hot dogs and chips it was LOL
Wed:: LO's, FFYS, clean out the freezer of ???
Chicken taco soup and cheesy tortilla crisps
Thu:: out to dinner-family event
Event cancelled so IDK yet maybe LO buffet??
Fri:: out to dinner with friends
Don't have $$ for this event so pizza??
Sat:: shopping so probably fast food
this should stay the same
Sun:: depends on what I got at the store
More likely CP Chx noodle soup
I participate in MPM over at OrgJunkie and this post is #389. Link over and see what hundreds of other women are feeding their families this week
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Menu Plan for the last week of April

Hi all, it's down to the wire for the month and our options are VERY limited. Well, truthfully we could go another 2 weeks with dinners but all the goodies are gone (no desserts) I am glad it is not my chocolate crave week - what am I saying, it's always my chocolate craving week. well, without further ado...here's our menu...
Mon:: spaghetti, corn
Tue:: chicken taco soup, cheesy tortilla crisps
Wed:: LO's, FFYS, clean out the freezer of ???
Thu:: out to dinner-family event
Fri:: out to dinner with friends
Sat:: shopping so probably fast food
Sun:: depends on what I got at the store
I really am only creating dinner for 3 nights this week since we are going out 2 nights. Shopping on Saturday-for most of the month-so we'll probably pick up fast food later in the afternoon then make something lite like soup and sammys around 8 or so.
Mon:: spaghetti, corn
Tue:: chicken taco soup, cheesy tortilla crisps
Wed:: LO's, FFYS, clean out the freezer of ???
Thu:: out to dinner-family event
Fri:: out to dinner with friends
Sat:: shopping so probably fast food
Sun:: depends on what I got at the store
I really am only creating dinner for 3 nights this week since we are going out 2 nights. Shopping on Saturday-for most of the month-so we'll probably pick up fast food later in the afternoon then make something lite like soup and sammys around 8 or so.
I have my coupons ready for shopping. I am starting to create my list. I again am aiming to the $200 limit on groceries with this pay period then I should have another $100 to supplement our menu in the middle of the month($50 each on the 10th and the 20th seems to work well for us). As a bonus, I am doing better with keeping produce in the fridge since I have been neurotically budgeting.
I need to start preparing for summer meals. June is upon us and I have no income for July and August maybe even longer,IDK. Our school district is taking 4 furlough days this year,so far. No school, no work. No work, no money. I would say "Taco Bell, here I come", but even those jobs are hard to get around here.:(
Well, thanks for listening LOL. I am going to be #374 on Organizing Junkie, come over and read what others are creatively feeding their families this week. And please leave a comment you were here so I can come over and read what you have to say.....Julie
Monday, April 19, 2010
1 cooking~1 cleaning

I am trying to figure out pictures so I thought I'd share this one of my boys. It was taken tonight 4-19-10 and I loved that I had one cooking and one cleaning. I mean what else could your Mom fantasy be?? Oh yeah, A's and B's on the report card, well, ya can't have it all!! HA HA HA
This post is a work in progress so things may be added and/or changed\
OK ladies, here I was showing you a positive pictures of my guys now let me show you them when they are left to their own devices LOL this is semi-disturbing but I'm sure you can appreciate it he he he Julie's boys and yes, please leave comments
Cheese, glorious cheese

Once again I was privy to the word of mouth sale at my local cheese factory, Rumiano Cheese Company. I got 8 pounds of cheese for $8. Yep, you read that right $8. So yummy!! I picked up 2 - 2 pound packages of jack already sliced, 4-4oz of Motz, 6-4 oz sliced Colby jack, 2-4 oz of sliced Swiss and 4 of medium cheddar. Grilled cheese is so on the menu especially since I have sourdough french bread for $1 a loaf at the dollar tree and it usually has about 30 slices. My neighbor called us at 7 am to tell us today was the day so before 10 am after my first shift I was there!!! I am so glad. They do this once every 3 months so the next one should be towards the middle of July which will come in handy because that is when all the kids and grandkids will be home from school for summer and feeding everybody gets so expensive (like I need to tell y'all that, right?? ha ha)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Menu Plan April 19th - 25th

Hi people, It has been a few weeks since participating in the weekly menu posting because we had spring break and 2 school furlough days off so I did not get to use the computer much as the kids took control of all electronic devices LOL, then it came down with a virus, again thanks to the kids' games. I am hoping that I finally got it but I was without the 'puter for over a week LOL serious withdrawals!!! So, onto the planning of the menu.
Mon:: porcupine balls and rice with green beans
Tue:: turkey veggie soup and garlic bread
Wed:: ham and eggs over toast
Thu:: turkey veggie casserole
Fri:: chili and cornbread
Sat:: CP BBQ chicken over rice
Sun:: pozole and cheesy tortillas
Last time shopping (on the 9th) I got a HUGE turkey for $8 so we have had turkey and potatoes for a few dinners, sammys for lunches and tonight burritos. I am trying to make a stock for soup but I used too much water and it is very plain. I have added in a few chicken bouillon cubes to help it and I will be making a full meat, veggie and pasta soup Tuesday afternoon for dinner that night. Ya know, just add in some veggies for a few hours then add back in the meat and some noodles then voila dinner is served!!
This is the part of our month where we eat from our cupboards. I have spent about $280 on groceries so far this month and have $20 next Friday to get us some more milk, cereal and fresh produce OK, OK and I will admit a few 2 liters of soda and some dessert makings also.
We are getting used to shopping without food stamps, but I am not having much luck with couponing, any hints?? Please leave comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Another dinner for under $5 for 4
I know y'all do this but I haven't in awhile and had forgotten how good and cheap it is. Yep, basic BBQ chicken in the crock served over white rice and broccoli.
I used 2 boneless, skinless breasts from a bag $6 for 6 nice pieces so $1 each, right?? and then 1/2 a bottle of BBQ sauce they were $1 so 1/2 is 50 cents, I shook in about 1T honey, 1t dried onions, 1t chopped garlic so for the meat $2.75.
The rice was 2.50 for 25 1/2 C servings. making it 10 cents per 1/2 cup serving. We used 2 C so 40 cents plus maybe 10 cents for the butter and salt I added in to cook so that is 50 cents for the rice.
Then the broccoli was $1.15 for 2 smaller heads. another 10 cents for the oil and salts in the steaming water. So $1.25 for the steamed broccoli.
Totals, $2.75 meat, 50 cents for rice and $1.25 for broccoli so $4.50 for all and all my guys loved it and asked for it again AND, it was easy!!!
We also had a 2 liter soda with dinner which was 90 cents for soda and taxes and CRV and I made a chocolate chip cookie pie for about $2.10 so actually need to add in another $3
I've linked this with Pennywise Platter on 6/10/10 it looks fun there.
I used 2 boneless, skinless breasts from a bag $6 for 6 nice pieces so $1 each, right?? and then 1/2 a bottle of BBQ sauce they were $1 so 1/2 is 50 cents, I shook in about 1T honey, 1t dried onions, 1t chopped garlic so for the meat $2.75.
The rice was 2.50 for 25 1/2 C servings. making it 10 cents per 1/2 cup serving. We used 2 C so 40 cents plus maybe 10 cents for the butter and salt I added in to cook so that is 50 cents for the rice.
Then the broccoli was $1.15 for 2 smaller heads. another 10 cents for the oil and salts in the steaming water. So $1.25 for the steamed broccoli.
Totals, $2.75 meat, 50 cents for rice and $1.25 for broccoli so $4.50 for all and all my guys loved it and asked for it again AND, it was easy!!!
We also had a 2 liter soda with dinner which was 90 cents for soda and taxes and CRV and I made a chocolate chip cookie pie for about $2.10 so actually need to add in another $3
I've linked this with Pennywise Platter on 6/10/10 it looks fun there.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
April 2010 Dinner Plans and Ideas
Dinner Plans
F/burgers, potato chunks, canned pears
SA/chicken nuggets, box pots, green salad, fruit slices
SU/turkey roast, gravy, rice, cranberry, green beans
M/Corn dogs, French fries, fruit slices, green salad
T/CP BBQ chicken, white rice, broccoli
W/burgers, fries, fruit
TH/tuna helper, can veggie
F/fast food - dollar menu or??
Dinner Ideas
ham and eggs on toast, f&y smoothie
chicken noodle soup and rolls
CP chicken taco soup, cheesy tortilla crisps
pozole, rolls
spaghetti, garlic bread, corn
hamburger helper, corn
tuna helper, can fruit
burritos, rice, fixings
burgers, rice, corn
tamale pie
CP chili, corn bread
pancakes and eggs
LO spaghetti soup, garlic bread
I need 4 more of all 3 meals plus 5+ snack items (granola bars, fruit snax, poptarts), 5 desserts, 4 gallons milk, 2 to 3 boxes cereal and $40 for produce to complete out my month healthily, or more likely, I'll have $20 towards produce and $30 more grocery monies to plan wisely. I also need to plan for Dollar tree on the 9th for maybe $20 to include bread, milk, bologna, sweets, snax and misc. Also, I planned for $50 at the end of the month for milk, cereal, fast food lunch, and gas. This makes $90 total see breakdown listed below Payday for May is on a Friday April 30th so we should be good!!
pozole, rolls
spaghetti, garlic bread, corn
hamburger helper, corn
tuna helper, can fruit
burritos, rice, fixings
burgers, rice, corn
tamale pie
CP chili, corn bread
pancakes and eggs
LO spaghetti soup, garlic bread
I need 4 more of all 3 meals plus 5+ snack items (granola bars, fruit snax, poptarts), 5 desserts, 4 gallons milk, 2 to 3 boxes cereal and $40 for produce to complete out my month healthily, or more likely, I'll have $20 towards produce and $30 more grocery monies to plan wisely. I also need to plan for Dollar tree on the 9th for maybe $20 to include bread, milk, bologna, sweets, snax and misc. Also, I planned for $50 at the end of the month for milk, cereal, fast food lunch, and gas. This makes $90 total see breakdown listed below Payday for May is on a Friday April 30th so we should be good!!
Breakfasts are:: cereal, oatmeal, eggs, leftovers,
Lunches are:: sammys, top ramen , pizzas, salads, canned ravs and leftovers
Grocery list for remainder of April
Grocery list for remainder of April
1 bag chicken breasts or big pan of legs $ 6
fruit and veggies $20
milk x 4 $12
chocolate milk - opt -----
hot cereal - opt -----
frozen pizza x 4 $ 4
frozen entree $ 4
8 grain bread x 2 $ 3
sourdough bread x 2 $ 2
lunch meat x 2 $ 3
canned veggies x 2 $ 1
desserts x 4 $ 9
fruit snax x 2 $ 5
poptarts x 2 $ 5
WM garlic bread 1 - 2 $ 2
granola bars x 2 $ 2
misc $ 7
TOTAL $$ 90.00
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