Hi gals, It's the end of May already.Today I've been reading others' blogs and I hope y'all have fun camping this Memorial Day. I however will be celebrating my 40 somethingeth birthday that day with my close friends and immediate family (maybe drinking a bit of champagne-he he he) My menu is pretty set this week as the food is getting limited or I should say less options...
Zatarain's and pineapple pieces
Tue::BBQ chicken legs, mac and cheese, broccoli
Cheater Chicken Pot Pie my way
Wed::beef burritos,spanish rice, fruit salad
spaghetti,corn,garlic bread
Thu::chicken stir fry fry over rice
ham and eggs with f&y smoothie
Fri::spaghetti,corn,garlic bread
chicken stir fry over rice
Sat::cheater chicken pot pie
pork steak, mac&cheese, can fruit
Sun::ham and eggs over toast, f&y smoothie
Round Table Hawiian Pizza
Monday May 31 is my B-day so we will be going to Hula's --my special choice
I will be linking this with MPM at Organizing Junkie I'm #267 this week.
BTW:: This brown shows what we did have for dinner that night
From the store I need 4 more chx legs, a box of mac and cheese, a cake mix with frosting (I have a coupon for that!) and maybe a can of cream chx soup??
Happy Birthday! Have an extra glass of champagne for me :)