I know I'm a bit late but I got the rest of my month together as well as my weekly plan. Things should be eaten as planned but everything is interchangable just in case palates or plans change
fast food
fast food
rotisserie chx, stuffing, peas
helper, green salad
helper, green salad
helper, pear slices
rotisserie chx, stuffing, green beans
rotisserie chx, stuffing, green beans
rotis chx burritos and fixings
soup and sammys
chx veggie soup and sammys
chx veggie soup and sammys
fast food for kids
parents going to a wedding
pot roast w/pots&vegs
pot roast w/pots&vegs
as planned
My plan is to be updating daily with what we do actually eat. Also I will link this with MPM. Come on over and see what others have going on over there.
Happy and healthy eating and please leave a comment that you were here.....Julie
I updated in pink what we actually did have. We had a great deal with rotisserie chickens this last 2 weeks. Thhey were only $5 each so I got 2 the froze one. The frozen one made 3 meals. A chx dinner, chx burritos and a small soup.