Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Menu estrangement

My menu this week has been a bust. We have had some different events happen on different days so everything has changed. I am glad however that I still did create a menu and now when I go shopping Saturday I will not have to get as many meals since I didn't follow the menu and have several items still available.
Payday is this week so I have to make sure we do not spend all our "disposable" (ha ha ha) income on fast food except for what I already have planned on Saturday when we are gone shopping for the afternoon.
Mon:: spaghetti, corn
In & Out burgers,fries and shakes YUM!!
Tue:: chicken taco soup, cheesy tortilla crisps
Hot dog sammys, potato chips and apple slices
Ended up needing dinner in under 10 minutes so
hot dogs and chips it was LOL
Wed:: LO's, FFYS, clean out the freezer of ???
Chicken taco soup and cheesy tortilla crisps
Thu:: out to dinner-family event
Event cancelled so IDK yet maybe LO buffet??
Fri:: out to dinner with friends
Don't have $$ for this event so pizza??
Sat:: shopping so probably fast food
this should stay the same
Sun:: depends on what I got at the store
More likely CP Chx noodle soup

I participate in MPM over at OrgJunkie and this post is #389. Link over and see what hundreds of other women are feeding their families this week

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