This has been fun - creating from what is on hand and using up packages that had been opened that were just sitting in my small pantry. Thank You Pantry Challenge.
Here is what I have learned::: I do have a small pantry - holds about 1 1/2 months of 2+ meals a day groceries. I need to gain more control and organize this situation to create more space. For this, I need to help hubs get the garage cleaned out and have a better shelving/storage system. I want to plant a garden this year and can some things this summer/fall. I will need that storage by then.
I do have a pretty good shopping system in place,we shop twice a month at big box stores that are out of town, it fits our family and our budget, but I can reign it in a bit more to make the weekly food allotment for us 4 (and usually a guest) to $75 from $100.,We can sustain that price reduction, just need to reduce more prepared foods, stockpile some more loss leaders, and let my older picky tweenaged eater go without snackies a few nights if he chooses not to eat what has been prepared for the family dinner. (I do not make him something special he just snacks later on in the night)
So without further ado, here is what is left of the menu for this month :::
fish sticks, french fries, orange slices Sat dinner 1-30
Au Jus French Dip sammy, green salad Sun dinner 1-31
pork steak, scalloped pots, greenie beanies Wednesday 1-27
pancakes, sausage and mandarins Tuesday 1-26
helper and corn or peas Monday 1-25
CP roast with pots and veggies Thursday 1-28
canned beans and rice with fruit slices Friday 1-29
pork chop broccoli soup, rolls Sunday dinner 1-24
chicken noodle veggie soup, garlic bread exchange menu item
ham and eggs over toast, fruit/yogurt smoothie Sunday brunch 1-24
These menu items are what I originally created I could squeeze so much more from what I still have in my pantry. At this point in this working menu no days are specific meals (the green dates are tentative) I will be determining this as the week goes on. However, as usual most will stay the same because choices are getting limited.
I need about $10 for this week to get some more breakfast and lunch things such as cereal, milk, bread and maybe some produce. Our tree still has a few oranges so those are incorporated in our menu however, a little fruit variety might be a nice change!!
Our lemon tree is also brimming this year and was wondering if anybody has ideas on how to store the lemon juice for more lemonade in the summer. Do you think the regular pectin type canning would work? Please reply!
Lastly, I will be linking this with the following blogs::: Grocery Cart Challenge, MPM at Orgjunkie, life as mom and money saving moms as they become available.
Hey, I want to know how the pork chop soup turned out :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about canning yet, I am trying to learn but haven't had too many opportunities to do so. Can you freeze the juice? Wish I had an orange and lemon tree, I got 2 apple but they wont be producing for atleast another 3 years :(
I was talking to my older, wiser neighbor and she said to juice then freeze the lemons. We both decided that I could freeze it in the ziplocs just to lay them flat on the shelf while freezing. (like I did breast milk when I pumped with my twins when in the hospital LOL) I miss an apple tree we had 2 while growing up and 2 plums yum-o they were so good!!