Oops, I got it all put away before I thought to take a pic so this week I will just write but I will be working on getting pics for next weeks big shopping. Today, we went to 3 stores 1st:: Dollar Tree, 2nd:: WinCo, & 3rd::Hostess Outlet
Dollar Tree:::batteries, ritz(2/$1), bologna(2/$1), french bread(2/$1), candy, mustard, clippers&baked beans, it was $11.25 total
WinCo::::meat $9, apples, banans, salad mix, cucumber,grape tomatoes$5, milk,marj, cheese, sour cream $5, fresh salsa $1.78, mayo, gravy pkt, brownie mix, bread $6 it ws $26.83 total
Yes, We had a few dollars left over so we stopped at the Hostess Outlet Store and each of us got a special treat choice in the 5 for $3.89 bins and I got 4 for $1 single cupcakes for desert tomorrow at lunch. Shopping for this week is done and rather thorough. DH an I got the extra little cupcakes that we split last midnight. so yummy!!
Fun experience, I was at the Dollar Tree in Chico today and a fellow savy, frugal,shopping lady, notices my list and we started talking about the Pantry Challenge she is following it also this month. We had a quick talk about what to do with excess noodles and tomato soup. Nice to know I'm not alone on the West Coast with this project. hahaha So if you read this you will know it is me..... Julie
PS:: OK trying to do this...to see other grocery shopping experiences go here
PSS::I am still working on learning links and will be trying some ideas out to see if I can follow directions. haven't had luck yet.....J
Hi Julie,
ReplyDeleteIm glad to see that your doing the eat from the pantry challenge too :)
Regarding links, if you are using blogger, in your new post template there should be a little button with a pic of what is suppose to be 2 chain links. Even if your using something else, the visual icon should be similiar. Anyway, when you want to hyper-link a word or phrase, highlight those words, then click on that button. A box will pop up (need to let pop-ups be enabled) and then you can enter the URL that you want those words to link too. Click ok and its done. I hope this helps :)
See ya later at orgjunkie :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, I will try your directions as well as let popups be enabled. I know it should be easy but, well, it's me trying to learn something and I never learn the easy way hahaha
Popped over here from GCC Round Up. We lived in Chico last winter while waiting to move to Wyoming. My husband is from there (Chico High Grad). I sure do miss Winco, especially the bins. And I miss the year round Farmer's Market. Good job sticking with your budget this week.